Escort Cards


Photobomb Moment


Card Box

Still a work in mom and I decided to tackle doing a DIY card box after seeing how expensive they were on Etsy.  Although they are gorgeous, I wasn't willing to pay $100 for one.  We used boxes we found around the house.  The bottom box was an old VS box, the second box was a USPS shipping box, and the top box was a trash bag box.  We used fabric from JoAnn Fabrics - all on sale and a great deal.  They look awesome in person.  When I get a pic of the glue/spray we used I'll post them.  They're definitely recommended.  Really easy to use.  We painted the top two boxes because the fabric was see-through, worked great.  The first was spray painted black.  The second was painted an off-white.  I wish I had taken pics along the way, but we got into a groove and just kept going.  I'll update as soon as the last box is done! 
There will be MANY more additions to this page, but for right now I have some pretty monograms to show you!  I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful and talented fiance who is able to make our monograms.  Right now they are still in the editing process and in black/gray because we don't know what colors we're going with, but in time they will be perfected and reflect our wedding colors!  (Sorry they're so blurry, the photoshop file didn't save right in jpeg for some reason - also the black box is another monogram but had more of our personal info on it so I didn't want to put that on here.)