myspace visitors

First Meeting

C and I met when we were both hired to work as orientation leaders at Northeastern University. My first memory of him was during our initial introduction. All 30 of us stood in a circle and had to recite the names of those before us. I was on the "wrong" side of the circle and had to remember about 27 of the 30 people. BUT I did remember C's name.

A few weeks later we traveled to a ropes course in Western MA. The 30 of us were split into three groups.  Somehow we were in the same group with one another for the full weekend and because of our similar heights, we were partners. C and I were great together! We never dropped each other!!!  Pretty impressive :)

Once we returned to campus, we remained very close with one another through the beginning of our training.

Making it official

The March retreat set the tone, but when we returned in May to work through September our connection was obvious. On our first official date, C took me to a very famous cemetery in Boston (home to John Hancock, Samuel Adams and even Mother Goose). From there we headed to the Old North Church. As a history major and more importantly a history lover, this was perfect! I was smitten :)

Where I live, July 3rd is a HUGE holiday!  Because we are so close to the city, Independence festivities take place a day earlier and eveyone travels up to the city for the big July 4th celebration.  C came to see the maddness that is July 3rd and we had such a wonderful time.  The following morning we headed back to Boston to watch the fireworks and listen to the Pops play. Our friends from work staked out a great spot very early in the morning. And as the Pops started to play, C officially asked me out and the rest was history!